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Get Ready to Take on Battlefield 4's Graveyard Shift

By zethalee21-08-2015

Owing to an impressive cinematic trailer, no, Battlefield isn't getting a zombies mode for the base game, but rather, a set of night-time maps for everyone to play and enjoy. Previously, we brought you the news detailing the patch in general, and while there's not much more coming with it, as patch notes are still being worked on, but we do know that we'll be getting Conquest, Rush, Obliteration, Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Gun Master to play with under the cover of night.

It is worth noting that while some maps in Bad Company 2 took place at night, there's been nothing quite like this before, with a total rebalancing of flashlights, flares, and flashbangs, along with the addition of lamps and streetlights to further illuminate the battlefield. What's more is that this is just one part of what's to come alongside the Summer Patch. We're also getting night versions of Siege of Shanghai and Golmud Railway, though the status of those two maps is up in the air, because the dynamic lighting implemented in them is reportedly holding back their release on last-gen consoles.

Regardless, there's still at least two more night maps, the community map project, and the remake of Battlefield 2's Dragon Valley to come, ensuring that dedicated fans of BF4 will have plenty of environments to wage war in the months to come.

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