Gearbox Brings It Home
After the speculation around who ultimately acquired the rights to Homeworld since the auction last week. We can now reveal that Gearbox are the high bidders. An official statement has just gone live with their Chief Creative Officer Brian Martel firmly promising:
"Brian intends as first priority to direct Gearbox's interest to preserve and assemble the purest form of the original acclaimed and beloved games, Homeworld and Homeworld 2, with the intent of making them accessible on today's leading digital platforms."
Gearbox's reputation took some hits recently, particularly after the Colonial Marines debacle. But I would like to remind everyone what Gearbox can do at their finest as well. Anyone remember Opposing Force? This will doubtless create a huge amount of rumblings in the industry, but I caution patience. Spewing vitriol will only lead to problems. Feel free to leave your thoughts below of course, but keep it civil.
Posted 23-04-2013, 18:37
But...I like Gearbox *pout*
Posted 23-04-2013, 12:53
Actually, both Duke Forever and Aliens: CM were "rescue operations". Seemed more like salvage operations in hindsight though. At least this time, Homeworld isn't under development from before, so it's not entirely the same thing.
My point is just that... well, if Gearbox don't have the fucking good conscience to accept that Duke Forever and Aliens: CM were shit games that gamers didn't deserve to be cheated with... well, we can't really trust Gearbox for anything anymore.
Posted 23-04-2013, 01:20
Damn it Gearbox, not only do they have no experience making RTS games, but the last time they stepped up to 'rescue' a franchise, it resulted in Duke Nukem Forever, and let's not even mention Colonial Marines. They should have left the bid alone and let a more suitable company take over the IP.
Posted 23-04-2013, 00:09
I Like Gearbox...
Posted 22-04-2013, 23:58
HAHA! I thought the Paradox guys said the franchise was in GOOD hands. Need I remind everyone which game Gearbox last proudly put its name behind?
Besides, the most "strategic" game Gearbox have ever developed is Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway....
Posted 22-04-2013, 23:25
Doesn't sound well.
Posted 22-04-2013, 23:00
Nooooooo!!! God, whyyyyyy???!!!