GDC: Gimmie Some Snow
Ubisoft are back (do they ever leave?) with some more goodies for The Division. Focusing, not for the first time, on their newly developed Snowdrop engine. A promising tool indeed, which has already shown itself to be a major contender in the industry. Though that first should be tempered with a warning that the latest batch on information is loaded, overloaded, with a lot of the usual PR talk we've come to expect. I get that they're excited about showing off what they've done, but it would be nice if they'd focus more on the 'showing' part. Rather than throwing around all the usual suspects. Innovation, never been done before, our engine is better than yours ner ner ner ner et cetera.
Now, having said all of that, it's hard to deny that their efforts are certainly not half assed. The visuals on display are truly breathtaking, and the modular nature of the engine (as demonstrated in the video above) really do open up a whole heap of possibilities. Where this will ultimately lead, and how many of their future games will use it...that remains to be seen. I'm putting bets on it lots. Lots of games. As a side note, there are a lot of foresty sectiuons shown. None of them (sorry) will be made use of in The Division itself. They are more for our benefit as the end user, to give us an impression of what the engine is capable of as a tool.