GameInformer Will Inform The Inquisition
GameInformer (you might have heard of them) is prepping up for a month of exclusive features to inform you about Dragon Age: Inquisition and to probably convince you that it won't be some lacklustre like Dragon Age 2.
But what's interesting for us (we're still kind of small to shill for the corps), is the cover - featuring an animu dragon - and the preview trailer. Some of the things already revealed include horses, multiple race character creation, an explorable world, customizable armor... Of course, you'll still be playing for the Inquisition, still detached from the Chantry (because, you know, /r/atheism would lose their shit over it), now being rebuilt by you to investigate stuff, like war, intrigue and DEMON TEARS IN THE SKY. So, like Grey Wardens, but even more vaguely defined.
Well, I might turn out to like the game after all. Just maybe.
Posted 09-08-2013, 07:40
Well I dont know if i will like this game or not.