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By Bobfish12-05-2013

Bryan Heitkotter, a passionate fan of the Gran Turismo series, has made the jump from digital to analogue. After appearing on the reality show GT Academy, he earned himself an opportunity to try the real thing. You hear that kids? Next time someone tells you you're wasting your life playing video games, just bear this in mind, but not too much. Keep a bit of perspective. This kind of thing is certainly not the norm that's for sure. But Mister Heitkotter is living proof that it can and does happen.

"I imagined myself winning it and reaching my lifelong dream but I didn't know if I was good enough. Still, I was excited about the opportunity and had to give it everything I had. I knew I'd kick myself down the line if I didn't. This was the clearest path for me to go racing and the best opportunity for me to make it. I'm sure many people have heard the phrase 'video games won't get you anywhere in real life. Maybe that's not always true anymore."

What an uplifting story to end your day on right? I tip my hat to you good sir. We can be sure, no matter what happens, even if we never hear anything from him again, Bryan Heitkotter is one man who had that opportunity to really live his dream. And isn't that what games are really all about? Good luck to you mate! Jolly good show.

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