Fire at the Disco, Fire at the...Killing Floor
Welp, as if we didn't know already, Killing Floor 2 is kinda' messy. In a good way though. As in viscera and dismemberment everywhere. But who would have thought it would be so...colourful? Aren't modern day, dark and gritty, hard-boiled shooters supposed to be all grey and shit coloured? Well Tripwire have said "sod that game of soldiers, I'm going to lick my balls!" or something, and made it all bright and bouncy.
Like a Dinsey film on acid.
Also flamethrowers.
Seriously, what more could you want?
Posted 13-01-2015, 05:17
Sounds good man. I likes it
Posted 12-01-2015, 06:27
Anything really. Like for instance, the firebug could go down a variety of paths. One that specializes in spread and duration of fire from fire weapons, or "stacks". Where more kills in succession improves damage output or reload times. Just little things like this so classes are a bit more diverse amongst each other. It would introduce new dynamics into teams with multiple users of the same class.
I don't expect Tripwire to do this, but I think it would add a ton more replayability. In Killing Floor, there isn't much variety once you're near the end. The support class with have an AA-12 with a sub shotgun of their choice, Marksman will probably have a xbow or .50 cal, Demo will have grenade launcher and mines or L.A.W, Firebug will go flamethrower + side, Besereker will have a Katana etc
It feels like it plays out the same. But if you introduced this sort of skill system, it might push people out of their comfort zones and offer more variety.
That's bout it :P
Posted 11-01-2015, 19:48
Things like, knife specialisation Bowie Knife and stuff?
Posted 10-01-2015, 22:06
Cannot wait for this game! What would be cool for each class if there was a skill tree like Borderlands style. Doesn't have to have absurd diversity, but just a bit of choice would be excellent.
Posted 09-01-2015, 02:17
It might just be. It will be interesting, that's for sure
Posted 08-01-2015, 21:43
Disney on acid coolio.