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Finally Brutally DOOMing You

By Mokman03-11-2013

Almost any true connoisseur of the modding scene knows that the roots of the community stems all the way back to some seriously early games - far back even as Doom, the proto-FPS in the eyes of many. Violent, dark and inexplicably awesome, Brutal Doom was one of these pioneers, adding a dash of unnecessary violence to an already blood-red tableau.

And now it's reached the 19th version, the final version that Sergeant_Mark_IV, the creator of the mod, has decided it will stay at for a while. Childishly violent and innately hilarious, it seems that Doom will not be in need of any improvement for quite a while. However, he is quick to note that this is not the end:

"V19 is not the final version of Brutal Doom. It's just the final version for a while. I need to take a long break of it, work on other projects, and return to it somewhere in late 2014/early 2015."

Want it? Then report over to Mod DB and download it now!


Comments (2)
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Posts: 1548

This looks more fun than the majority of modern games. I really wish someone moded a modern game i this fashion.

Posts: 3290

Welcome to your doom!