Farconial Marines
Gearbox and Ubisoft have merged together to form the greatest thing in the world ever! A Far Cry 3/Aliens crossover. Okay, well, they haven't really, but the upcoming Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, previously considered a late April Fool's joke, features the voice talent of Michael Biehn aka Corporal Dwayne Hicks in an '80s VHS vision of the future' which uses the title font from Transformers the Movie I might add. It's a standalone game that will be available as a download title as of May 1st according to a listing on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
Set in the far distant year of...2007 and clearly intended as a pastiche of every sci-fi film from the 80s EVER. Something only reinforced by the gloriously retro teaser page. Biehn will most likely be taking the lead role of the new protagonist Sergeant ('bout time he was promoted) Rex Colt. A one-eyed badass who has to save the world from a rogue cyborg army, much like another 80s film he featured in actually. He has a very simple mission "get the girl, kill the baddies, and save the nuke-ravaged world." Though there's no confirmation regarding alternate distribution channels at this time it has also been spotted in the Steam database, so expect it to migrate across there too. As soon as we know more we will be sure to tell you. Until then, take shelter in our nuke proof comments section below.
Posted 08-04-2013, 21:46
I hope its just a mindless shooter... :D