Far Cry 4 Editor Officially Out Of the Clouds
Hot off the heels of the recent release of Far Cry 4, Ubisoft has released an official trailer for Far Cry 4's map editor. If "every second is a story" as the ad campaign for FC4 claims then this tool looks to give the players the means to write their own chapters and share them with other players. On the surface, the editor looks like it has a mountain of options enabling players to adjust the terrain, buildings, objects, NPCs, vehicles and wildlife. However, the 800 pound elephant in the room remains...Far Cry 4's map editor, at present, doesn't support the competitive multiplayer side of the game. Ubisoft has opted to restrict it to challenges for now. This seems to be a curious choice as map editors in games like these are usually heavily geared towards multiplayer to extend the replay value of the titles.
Alex Hutchinson, the creative director of the game, announced on Twiiter that support for competitive multiplayer working with the map editor may glide in later. No promises though. This might take them a few months, might never happen, might happen in a min. OK, that's the last pun, I swear. Hopefully, Mr. Hutchinson's team can get that support in and I also hope that it's not...too far off. OK, THAT was the last pun. Stay tuned to Pixel Judge for more Far Cry 4 and other gaming news.