Far Cry 4 Asks: What Are You Made Of?
Apparently, one of the answers to that question is a season pass for DLC, and the other, is to undergo a bit of a mind-trip where you're required to make split-second decisions through a multimedia project. It's called, as the title above suggests, What are you made of?, and it will test players through a number of situations, such as a mind maze, a blind sound chase, and more, all leading up to a series of algorithms that, once your results have been processed, lead to a personality type being given to you, and some exclusive content as a result for finishing.
Speaking of exclusive content, who doesn't like day one DLC? With the season pass, you get access to an exclusive mission where you're protecting a rare recipe from the one and only Pagan Yin, along with two other missions to be released later, an exclusive PvP mode, and a number of missions by and about the one and only Hurk. The Gold Edition will run you a cool 89.99 USD for PS4, PC, and Xbox One, if the thought of DLC truly excites you that much.
One more thing has been revealed surrounding the multiplayer in Far Cry 4: Battles of Kyrat. In these games, teams of five face off against one another taking either the mythical and magically-enhanced Rakshasa, aligned with Pagan Min, or the Golden Path, armed to the teeth with modern weaponry and hardware in an attempt to free their lands from Pagan Min's rule. The multiplayer itself is asymmetrical, with each side working to achieve different goals in each mode, whether that's establishing an outpost, destroying propaganda trailers, or retrieving a mythical relic from long ago.