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Far Cry 3 Updates Outlined

By Leigh Cobb19-02-2013

Far Cry 3 isn't over and done with yet, not by a long shot, thanks to Ubisoft unveiling their update plans to be released via future patches. These are set to contain, amongst other things: a new Master difficulty and the ability to rest outposts.

There's quite a lengthy list in this Ubisoft forum post of what future updates will contain. Perhaps the biggest two are the additions of a new difficulty setting and the ability to rest outposts. The latter is an interesting addition because respawning guard posts were exactly what players were complaining about in Far Cry 2, but apparently they wanted it back for Far Cry 3. Ubisoft helpfully outline how it's going to work:

  • "After conquering all the outposts and completing the game, the player can reset the outposts by selecting “Reset Outposts” in the gameplay options menu.
  • Doing this will reset and make all Outposts hostile again. All incomplete side missions and quests will become hidden. In order to finish the incomplete side missions, you will have to retake the outposts again."

This, in my opinion, is a welcome addition, as it will allow me to carry on fighting off pirates without starting a new game entirely. Yay!

The next major addition is a whole new difficulty level. "...the all-new MASTER difficulty setting will be added in an upcoming patch of the game. Seasoned veterans will find themselves challenged by more aggressive wildlife, tougher pirates, and more deadly privateers. Your skills as a master of the Rook Islands will be tested." For all the manly, hardcore gamers out there, this will no doubt be a welcome addition. Who knew that the game's tigers needed to be MORE ferocious!?

The plans for the Far Cry 3 don't end there however. Ubisoft are planning on updating; the feedback system for user created maps, a new beta test playlist to bring user created maps to the forefront, the ability to search for maps by the same author, the removal of the idle kick timer in custom matches and finally, a skip map voting system addition to multiplayer. Phew, deep breath. It's good to see Far Cry 3 getting a good level of post launch support in the form of these, often essential, fixes. Go Ubisoft!

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Posts: 1548

awesome. now I'll have something to do again