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Fans Find Ways to Mod Battlefield 3

By NAG3LT28-04-2013

DICE have repeatedly claimed that Battlefield 3 development tools are too complex as a reason for the lack of any modding support. This claim was always very dubious, considering the amount of talented modders playing Battlefield games. So talented actually, that they have managed to develop their own modding tools and create an alternative server backend for the Battlefield 3. Modder NoFaTe who has previously released server and mod tools for BFBC2 is currently working on bringing the same functionality to BF3. The project is currently called Venice Unleashed and they are asking for volunteers for a beta test. Support for basic modding, spectator mode, ability to remove blue tint and Blaze server emulation are among the first to be implemented. However, the server emulation doesn’t mean the multiplayer for pirates (at least in the hands of original team), as project Venice will require latest version of legit Battlefield 3. The only worrying part about the project is a possible negative response from EA and actions they may take to shut it down.

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Posts: 3290

That's what Rockstar did. Didn't do them any favours

Posts: 1317

... Too bad Dice are pissing on their fans and calling their modders "hackers", then.

Posts: 3290

Personally, I call this a testament to dedication. It goes to show just how committed some of their fans really are