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Fallout 4... I mean Wasteland 2 Beta Confirmed

By KamikazeGoomba28-11-2013

Prepare yourself, the Wasteland 2 Beta is coming to those good little boys and girls that forked over $2 Million at the Kickstarter in June. In a Twitter post, inXile Entertainment lead Brian Fargo stated that the Wasteland 2 Beta is upon us within the next 2.5 weeks.

"Good news... Wasteland 2 beta is nearing completion (really)," Fargo wrote. "We feel confident of its release within 2.5 weeks as we nail down blocker bugs and dial up messaging to make things clear. I'm really looking forward to the feedback of our beta backers. Thanks for all your patience."

"We won't set a full release date until we work through the beta with our backers," Fargo wrote on  Twitter yesterday. "[U]ltimately we are making this game together."

Now this release date for the Beta is just too far away, and apparently inXile Entertainment agrees. An interview was held by the folks at RockPaperShotgun, and it's rather lengthy so here are the cliff notes. Brian Fargo stated that the company has been working extremely hard at completing 95% of the game in time for the Beta's release, and that this is to ensure a quality field for testing for players. Apparently this Beta is going to be massive, having roughly 6-10 hours on a non speed-run approach. The crazy part is that doesn't even include some of the events mutually exclusive to each run, creating replayability. Despite its slew of features, there were a number of things that needed to be cut in order to keep on schedule, such as the Silent Move, and Scavenging.

Sadly it's been made clear that saves from the Beta won't be likely to transfer over to the final product. The production time would be unjustifiable as this would only affect the people who backed during Beta. Especially with the new features that are to come after Beta, but the prospect of keeping characters has been mentioned. As far as the final release date goes, Brian Fargo had this to say:

"I've been pushing to get this game made for 20 years so I certainly want to make sure I get it right. It sounds cliché but we really are making this game with the fans and backers so we need to go through this beta phase and get a sense of how well we have achieved what we set out to do. I'd like to see Wasteland 2 treated like a classic in the way Fallout, Bard's Tale, and other great RPGs I have been associated with."

Hopefully that will tide over the fans of Wasteland, but let's be honest it won't.

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