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Fall Of EA?

By Bobfish26-04-2013

There's finally been a response by EA regarding the recent layoffs and studio closures.  Perhaps the news of EA Partners program facing discontinuation as well has  galvanised them to address the issue, rather than simply brushing it under the rug. Whatever the reason, the future looks tough indeed for the former industry giant. I say former, because despite their size (which has significantly shrank recently) their brand is decidedly amongst the most reviled in the entire industry. In fact, one of the worst in America if the recent Consumerist poll is anything to go by.

The official statement, shown below, suggests the ailing company has learned from its mistakes, but I remain sceptical. This may be the first time they've seen such huge losses, hundreds of staff at the very least. However, it must be said, there are a lot of murmurs this time, and I think EA are about to hit a sink or swim moment. If they don't pull it back soon, if they don't deliver on what they claim, this could very well be their death knell. But what do you think? Can they still make good? Do we even care anymore? Or is it time to put this old dog out to pasture? Leave your comments below.

“In recent weeks, EA has aligned all elements of its organizational structure behind priorities in new technologies and mobile. This has led to some difficult decisions to reduce the workforce in some locations. We are extremely grateful for the contributions made by each of our employees – those that are leaving EA will be missed by their colleagues and friends. These are hard but essential changes as we focus on delivering great games and showing players around the world why to spend their time with us.”

Comments (3)
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Posts: 596

It's common to happen in business when a company gets lazy and especially too greedy... how do you think the British car industry failed so badly? They got lazy as they had little to compete with on the market and once the German and Japanese cars came to the UK market from companies who grew and competed in tough competitive conditions, the lazy British manufacturers simply couldn't compete as they never had to in the past and didn't know how.

EA is currently in that same position where they had many great successes and started getting too lazy and too greedy.

Posts: 1317

EA learned from their mistakes back when they struggled in the later part of last decade. Then they started making money again, and turned douchebag again. Now they're "learning" again, because they suck and they need to improve or perish. Suddenly they'll be "cool" again and everyone will forgive them. Sales will go up, business will boom... and they'll go full douchebag again.

You know it to be true.

Posts: 1548

Hmmm, so they are shaving only the rotten social gaming fat? Are they going to reorganise and start targeting the gamers once again as their taget audience?