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Faction Pack Released With A Rockin’ Trailer

By Endzville18-07-2013

Yesterday marked the launch of Metro: Last Light's first piece of Season Pass content. As we reported last week, Deep Silver already covered what we were to expect from this DLC in a developer blog post. But, hey, now we have a video to showcase what's in store for those of you were interested the moment they said all three scenarios would be set in some of the best locations from the first game. Probably most notable of the three (first in the trailer) is a return to the Library which you, as a trainee ranger, must scavenge for artifacts, whilst balancing the small amount of supplies that will be at your disposal in order to survive.

You can pick this up for £4 / your regional equivalent, or you could, more sensibly, pick up the Season Pass at £12 instead, a pretty reasonable price when three other pieces of single player content are to follow this one. We'll keep you posted on what exactly these will be like the moment Deep Silver update their blog but, in the meantime, consider checking this out if you haven't had your fill of Metro: Last Light quite yet.

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Jenssen just won the internet for most accurate impression of a Metro minigun

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