Eye On PC, On Look Out For More Staff

The company behind the Oculus Rift has been around for barely a year but what a year it's been. After being successfully Kickstarted, developers were able to get their hands on Oculus Rift development kits and the results from that alone have been interesting to say the least and pretty damn awesome to say the most. The consumer friendly version of the Rift was recently shown to and has since impressed the press.
It's now been revealed in an article on Endgaget that the company has banked an impressive $16 million from investors in the hopes of bringing the Oculus Rift to the mainstream. However, CEO Brendan Iribe promises that this quest to crack the mainstream market will not shift the company's focus away from PC, saying, "We're really focused on the PC as the platform to bring this to market right now."
Iribe clarifies that, whilst they haven't ruled out home consoles, PC is their primary platform right now. He explained, "We're always looking at other platforms -- looking at consoles, we're also looking at Android and the mobile side in a big way -- but right now we really are focused on the PC platform."
In the meantime, Oculus VR will be using part of the aforementioned, whopping $16 million dollars to employ some more staff. Presently the company employs less than 50 people and most of its employees are engineers. A look at the company's careers page seems to suggest that they will largely be looking for more engineers too. Iribe said, "We're using the funding to ramp up on hiring more smart people, the best and brightest that we can find. The dev kit as it is now, that we're shipping, will stay the same, and the software side will just keep getting better."
Beyond new employees, Iribe said that the company shan't stray from its overall goal of developing "the very best virtual reality platform we can create." It's not entirely clear what's in store for the actual Oculus VR company along the way to meeting this goal. Iribe said of the matter, "We're always evaluating the options and looking at what's best for delivering the best experience, and right now this [funding] made the most sense to really get this ... we want to continue to hire an incredible set of people."
Posted 20-06-2013, 07:31
I'm waiting for any of it to be released to the public
Posted 20-06-2013, 00:01
Yeah once I see more of what they will do I am in.
Posted 19-06-2013, 22:39
Good for them. I'm waiting for the HD model to be released to the public.