ESCAPE Dead Island, Again and Again
One of the more surprising announcements of E3, aside from a Rainbow Six game, Far Cry 4 sometimes-footage, and the news that GTA V was finally coming to the PC, was the fact that Dead Island 2 existed. Though the original game did garner some praise, various bugs and glitches hampered the overall experience, lessons which were not fixed in the sequel. Now, with a semi MOBA-styled game also coming, it seems as though Deep Silver doesn't quite want to let go of the series just yet.
Cue ESCAPE Dead Island, which is, and I quote, a "third-person single-player survival mystery spin-off that unravels the origins of the zombie outbreak and tells the story between Dead Island and Dead Island 2." Bit of a mouthful, no? In any case, the trailer linked above doesn't reveal much about the game, though it's got a visual style reminiscent of Suda51, and will clearly deal with episodes of madness. The official website is equally bare, and even the materials released to press are cryptic about what the game is. As for why the protagonist, Cliff Calo, appears to be reliving the days over and over again, your guess is as good as mine.
In any case, while zombie-themed games seemed to have subsided within the past year or two, at least one developer is ensuring that you don't run out of mindless enemies to fight against.
Posted 06-07-2014, 06:05
It looks curious, if anything, yeah.
Posted 03-07-2014, 23:02
Okay. You have my attention