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Episode 4 - October 10th

By RubyStreams08-10-2012

Around Every Corner, the 4th episode of Telltale's zombie drama, The Walking Dead, has been given a release date of October 10th.

Written by Gary Whitta, Around Every Corner is the 2nd to last episode in this incredible point and click horror game. Strong character development, engaging story and just a great game to play, Telltale's The Walking Dead is nearing it's end and what a journey it's been.

Check out our reviews for Episodes 1, 2 and 3 (coming VERY soon).

Also, episode 7 in the 'Playing Dead' series from Telltale features Episode 3 director, Eric Parsons and designer, Harrion Pink. WARNING: This video contains spoilers for Episode 3!!!!

Comments (3)
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Posts: 223

There is a full collection being released :)

Posts: 1548

They are already bundled on PC.

Posts: 241

I wonder if they will bundle them all together once the last episode is out.