Enter The Dogless Fray
I guess we can say it is official – no dogs for the ARMA III players. How do we know? Well, Bohemia gives us another video with ARMA III beta footage in it, an official trailer this time! While the lack of the canine element will surely leave the game way behind the "revolutionary competition", you really should check the vid out, as in it you will get a chance to see different modes the game offers, marvel at the abundance of weaponry and vehicles, some biomes, environmental conditions and much, much more! The level of detail really pleases the eye, the music and sound effects invoke a warring mood and if you can forget about the need to purchase a new GPU for it, you will surely want to try ARMA III after watching!
When you are done, make sure to check the game's preview here on PJ and consider entering the beta yourself!
Posted 20-07-2013, 11:54
I mean. Come on!
It's almost like they want to make a solid game instead of relying on pointless gimmicks. And that's just crazy
Posted 19-07-2013, 19:33
Absolutely. Come on, every squad needs someone you care about...
Posted 19-07-2013, 19:22
No dogs?!?