End Game DLC Launch Trailer Released, DLC Still Not Launched
Oh look! Look, everybody! It's the launch trailer for End Game, Battlefield 3's upcoming DLC! Oh man, that means it's been launched, right? Cos' that's what launch trailers mean, right? Nope. Console owners must be smirking over at us PC fans as they unwrap their new toys and maps to play around with, while we are forced to wait with bated breath for the DLC to finally drop next week. Ah well, might as well take a look at the launch trailer while you're waiting, which features a whole bunch of action on the gorgeous new maps, wonderfully intense looking gameplay, and interesting new mechanics, none of which we currently have access to.
Yes, I am bitter about the console-exclusive early release. Deal with it.
Posted 06-03-2013, 17:46
BTW, new Premium assignment are already working.
Posted 06-03-2013, 00:20
I'd quite like to play it now...
Posted 05-03-2013, 21:04
Only PS3 owners get it early, X360 owners have to wait as well.