Early XCOM Footage Released
Just as previously reported, last year's XCOM: Enemy Unknown had quite the story behind it. Not only did its groundwork date back to 2003, but it also changed drastically - probably for the better – over the years until its release nine (9!) years later. Art Director Greg Froetsch now released some footage to show of the various builds and approaches Firaxis Games had considered.
It's quite interesting stuff to say the least and especially the first video, with the absence of any noteworthy cover, shows drastic differences between this early approach and the final product. The UI too seems archaic (obviously) but also less polished and helpful compared to last year's release.
Yet, the development towards the final product can be seen in all of these videos and the second one in particular shows the introduction of a more cinematic approach that also found itself in the release. It's a great little collection of footage we've been given by Firaxis Games and it goes to show, that some games, simply end up so much differently that previously imagined.