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EA Origin Now Only For Power Gamers

By Mokman10-05-2013

EA, EA, you never fail to dig your reputation deeper and deeper into the gutter it seems. Now, not only have you managed to insult gamers with lacklustre games and disgusting advertising, now you've managed to piss off those using Origin.

As all the gaming community knows, gaming terminology is of utmost importance in maintaining your 'street cred', or at least not sounding like an idiot when talking about games. Power gamers are a subset of gamers who obsessively min-max their characters in any game so as to achieve the maximum amount of power or score in any game they play. However, we have been graced with this wonderful bit of phrase thanks to the latest Origin update on their blog:

"For you power gamers with muscular 64-bit systems on either PC or Mac, the new multilauncher will give you additional options for taking advantage of your hardware when starting up supported games."

Really, EA? Muscular 64-bit systems? Oh also, I guess you can now keep track of your achievements in Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, and Dead Space 3 on your Origin profile page, just in case you are that one guy who actually obsessively uses Origin.

Comments (8)
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Posts: 240

True - it seems like a pretty decent update to me, for how small it is. Just also happens have a hilariously worded bit in there, unsurprisingly, so it's easy to take the piss out of, and call ourselves the Mighty Morphin Power Gamers henceforth.

Speaking of bad word choice, though, how exactly does one "obsessively" use Origin when you can only play certain games there, like the examples actually used?

Posts: 1317

Now let's be honest, the fact that they're adding 64-bit optimization support thingumabub and achievements isn't a BAD thing.

It's a GOOD thing. It's just that they're kinda making a huge deal out of it, as if it's a new thing, that's funny.

It's unfair to hate on them for bringing achievements. And anyone who do that, should check their own bias-meter before it overloads.

Posts: 207

I care about achievements.....maybe not to OCD levels of caring, but they're a good way to compare yourself to other people

Posts: 1548

Damn it. I'm that one person who cares about the achievements. Now I hate myself :(

Posts: 1317

64 bits! So futuristic!

Posts: 3290

Least they didn't go calling everyone a 'power top'. That would have been awkwarrrrd

Posts: 240

Yeah, I was gonna say, a simple search of the words "power gamer" return a few definitions so...yeah. A humorous, awkward choice of words to use in conjunction with the mightiness that truly is the 64-bit system anyway, but who the fuck cares?

Posts: 3290

I'm a Power Gamer, roar!

Think they mean specs whores, and you'd think EA would know a little something about garden tools