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By Kelevandos22-05-2013

If lately I have been having a feeling that the MOBA genre is going down the way MMO's did*, now I am sure it is. Why? Well, EA games announced its own game of the genre being developed by the Waystone Games studio. Dawngate, as it is called, will feature a two team, two lanes, three towers matches, with some interesting elements in between.

The most innovative one are the Spirit Wells, places of economic significance where AI controlled minions will harvest Vim, which will function as the game currency. The longer the given team controls one of these, the more workers spawn, increasing the income. The enemy may, of course, slaughter some of the miners and overtake the Well, so it is going to be quite important to protect them.

Also, while the map has been reduced to only two lanes, it seems to have some dynamical potential, as the towers, called Bindings here, will be able to regenerate with time, allowing a defensive enough team to turn the tables. The creeps will change based on the number of Bindings destroyed, which is linked with the lore. This said, lore is supposed to be very important for the game as a whole.

I am not sure about this, despite the sincere intentions. Seeing how EA's MMO SW:tOR ended up it would be logical that they have learned from their mistakes, but well, let's be honest, it is EA. With their latest "achievements" like SimCity and its update, I doubt the learning thing. Anyway, if any of you would like to try getting into the closed beta, make sure to head here and sign up. I will, but God, if I do not feel like regretting it already...

*Lots of repetitive games, which actually only copy the previously implemented ideas, oriented on sucking your cash out

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