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EA Gets Fisted by Fistel and Friends

By KamikazeGoomba12-12-2013

EA why do you do what you do? Seriously, you have an atrocious launch for one of your biggest flagship titles, and then lie about the sales in order to keep your investors. That's what Law Firm Holzer Holzer & Fistel, LLC are claiming, by launching an investigation on EA over the allegations of misleading their investors. I'm sorry, but really? At first I assumed that this was just some publicity thing but then I thought about it, and this is EA we're talking about.

The investigation is going as far as for Holzer Holzer & Fistel, LLC to request that EA's shareholders give legal consultation. The exact claims were over, "the development and sales of the Company's Battlefield 4 video game and the game's impact on EA's revenue and projects moving forward". Well rushing the releases of lackluster games and still using Origin weren't enough, so falsifying information is another thing to tack on for the next year's worst company in America award.

What's most amusing is the Battlefield Bug Tracker that EA quite recently implemented into the latest update. Possibly this bug tracker is a response to the fact that Legal action is being made against them. For all we know this could be a blessing in disguise, EA becomes frightened by the potential lawsuits and starts to get its act together. We could find a revolution for the industry with EA taking the charge to innovate in new genres, and make Origin not terrible. We could also find Gabe Newell riding through the streets on a white stallion as he tosses out boxed copies of Half-Life 3 to all the good little boys and girls.

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Posts: 1548

Well to be honest I'm with EA this time. All the investors are interested are making a quick buck as fast as possible. That is only possible by shafting the gamers.

As for new ip's, increased quality and innovation - this will never happen if the investors get their way. Ne things don't sell well until they have proven themselves and became a big franchise. Don't forget that us "hardcore" gamers are the minority and the market is still dictated by the mum and dad who buy games for their little kid...