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EA Executives Sell Off Their Stocks

By Fr33Lanc3r.00711-05-2013

Step 1 - Sell Shares / Step 2 - ? / Step 3 - Profit

Continuing the financial news that has been going around this time of the year, two EA Executives have decided that now would be a great time to do some trading on the stock market, with nearly 58,000 EA shares being sold between them. The first belonged to EA Sports Executive Vice President Andrew Wilson, who sold his entire stake in the company - some 32,085 shares according to his SEC form - at $21.42 each, for a grand total of $687,260.70, taking advantage of the stock price rise after EA announced their exclusive rights to Star Wars games.

Following suit, Senior Vice President Stephen Bane managed to grab a deal wherein he procured 25,000 shares for $16.06 each, and then turn around and sell them for $22.40 each - netting a profit of $158,500 - and retained the 6,700 shares that he previously owned.

Sounds like it's a good time to be in possession of EA stock... damn my lack of foresight...

Comments (3)
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Posts: 228

I wish someone like CD Projekt bought it!

Posts: 3290

Shady stuff at EA? That's like saying "the sun is hot today"

Posts: 351

Hmmmmm shady stuff going on.