EA are the World's Greatest Games Company...oh boy...

This is going to hurt. This is going to really hurt. Vice President of EA Sports, Andrew Wilson, has claimed the top spot as the company's new CEO. Finally stepping in to fill the vacuum left by the departure of John Riccitiello. And what, dear reader, did he do when he took the position? Gave a written statement, natch, in which he claimed...well, you already read the title. So let's just get it over with.
"I envision EA as the World's Greatest Games Company. This is not about what we are aiming for or what we will become. Rather, it is about an unfaltering commitment to what we will be every day. This is an attitude that must drive our culture as one team. I also believe EA's strategy is sound. Our focus on our talent, our brands and our platform together with our investment in next-generation consoles, mobile and PC free-to-play, as part of our ongoing transition to digital, is right. But we have plenty of work ahead to ensure our collective success."
Now, I usually caution against this kind of thing, but Mister Wilson, you are completely delusional. Not only is your claim utterly asinine, it's also factually, demonstrably, wrong. Your finances have been in the toilet more times than my cat's head, and that crazy lunatic dives in there every chance he bloody gets.
Posted 19-09-2013, 14:11
They make yearly iterations because it's a copy paste of the year before they can charge full price for. Rather than a small update that will only get them a few dollars
Posted 19-09-2013, 12:30
Haha, I like your analogy, Wensley. Not going to blow the man off just yet (hehe), he could do wonders for EA.... but... Well, he was chief of the part of EA that is infamous for being in a continuous stalemate, where innovation is barely visible.
I understand that there isn't much to do when you make a new football game. You improve graphics, animations and AI and that's it. But that's the point. If there is so little innovation needed between iterations, WHY do they insist on yearly iterations? Why not release one game, then update it with a DLC when the next season begins, and have biannual releases instead?
Oh, that's right. Because they're EA. And now this guy is running it all.
Posted 19-09-2013, 11:29
Also not to forget that EA has consecutively won the official Worst Company in the United States award now 3 times in a row or so? ... Complete and utter senseless statement lol... We will see how things continue at EA :S
Posted 19-09-2013, 08:57
Andrew Wilson has a face that makes him look like a shop window mannequin possessed by the Devil. It's like his soul is a gaping void, and he's forever compelled to fill it with other people's money.
Posted 19-09-2013, 02:56
Comparing EA to Nero?!?
I feel sorry for Nero
Posted 19-09-2013, 02:25
I'm sure Nero considered himself the world's greatest emperor too.
Posted 19-09-2013, 02:16
I think that's too much information about your cat and its habits there Bobfish....
Posted 19-09-2013, 01:32
Hey, at least someone finally out douchebagged Mattrick
Posted 19-09-2013, 01:10
Ummm, what? Is this a late April Fool's joke?
Posted 18-09-2013, 23:57
I still <3 EA, best publishing company ever!