E3: Return to Occam's Razor
The rumours were true, Mirror's Edge 2 is on its way. And about time too. Though flawed, Mirror's Edge was a game that really stood out. Not least because of it's incredibly striking art style. Something which the trailer above clearly shows has been retained as well as massively polished.
Another one that boasts of being entirely in engine footage, it shows some rather intriguing imagery. Is that a map being tattooed on Faith's upper arm? And does the tattoo to her eye, which was already present in the first game, being applied here suggest a prequel game? Also, the letters and numbers on the shoulder pads of those poor saps she's using as a Mister Squishyhead stand in. What are they all about? ERT-2, UPD-3 or maybe UPO, some kind of rank insignia perhaps? Each of the two I could make out were clearly carrying different weapons.
Gotta' say though, I'm not too keen on the techno remix of Still Alive that fired up right at the end. But I still have the original on iPod, so it's not all bad. Beyond that, all I can say is watch this space. You will know more as soon as we do. Until then, comments below, as always.
Posted 11-06-2013, 02:35
There's a side scrolling iPhone/iPad/mobiloe device game too. A prequel that explains why she has a dodgy knee at the beginning of the main game. As far as games go it's nothing special. But I actually highly recommend picking it up. It's, like, a quid, so won't really break the bank.
Yeah, is it obvious I have a massive soft spot for Mirror's Edge?
Posted 11-06-2013, 02:28
I've never played the original myself though I've always wanted to. This sequel/prequel/reboot(?) has piqued my interest again though.
Posted 11-06-2013, 01:26
it does seem to go on sale fairly often on Steam. Every time I see it, I want to buy it. Just...'cause
Posted 11-06-2013, 01:13
I must confess that I still haven't gotten round to playing the first game, even though it looks amazing. Here's hoping it goes on sale in the near future for me to do so.
Posted 11-06-2013, 00:54
Posted 11-06-2013, 00:52
Yeah, whilst we're on the subject. How can it be hateful to have desirous intentions anyway?
Posted 11-06-2013, 00:50
MYSOGINY!!! Or... something... God damn it, why'd they have to make that word so damn hard to write. Couldn't it just be "woman hater"? Easier to write, easier to read, easier to understand and easier to remember.
Posted 11-06-2013, 00:38
Easy tiger
Posted 11-06-2013, 00:36
That skin looked so...touchable.
Posted 11-06-2013, 00:31
I need this in my life. I need it now!