E3: An Age Ends in Fire
Boasting Actual Game Footage, Dragon Age is coming back. Dragon Age: Inquisition to be precise. Along with Morrigan. Or, well, Claudia Black at least. I suppose it's possible she could be playing a new part. It's always hard to tell, since every character she's ever voiced has looked exactly like her. But I think it's Morrigan. Powered by Frostbite 3, if this delivers on its promise, this is going to be one hell of a feast for the eyes. It looks absolutely gorgeous. But we've all heard the 'actual game footage' promise before. So I remain sceptical.
As for the game itself. The trailer suggests, perhaps, a prior point in the story. The whole cleansed by fire motif could be referring to the troubled history we know the Grey Wardens had. Or it could just as easily be the great war we were constantly being warned would come about after slaying the archdemon. Or it could be that about me, after someone stole all the tea out of my cupboard. All three are about as likely as each other at this point. So, watch this space. We'll be sure to keep you informed. Especially if I run out of tea bags. Serious business that.
Posted 11-06-2013, 14:28
After DAII and MEIII, hope is slim, Reaver.
Posted 11-06-2013, 12:31
Please be good... :S