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Dual Monitor? More Like Cool Monitor

By Bobfish27-07-2013

The internet wss abuzz after yesterday's video detailing the new Battlelog for Battlefield 4. Questions like changing servers on the fly, can a second monitor host the battlemap like a tablet can, and is bacon the most awesome creation ever? The answer to all of these questions was a resounding 'fo shizzle my nizzle twizzle, it's the drizzle'. Or for those who don' speak wannabe gangsta gibberish "why yes good sir, those inquiries are all to be addressed in an affirmatory manner what what?"

Changing servers on the fly is a very nice touch of course, but the really nifty thing here is undoubtedly about the minimap. A DICE Battlelog producer with the awesome handle of TheBikingViking on Reddit confirmed it is a browser based interface. Once opened this means you can put it wherever you want, make it any size you want, and hey presto. All you need is at least one other monitor and you can have, not only your own, first person view, but an honest to peanuts tactical overview available at a glance. Which, when you think about it, means it doesn't really qualify as a minimap anymore.


Comments (13)
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Posts: 1317

I like to put things in your mouth, Xidio. I cannot deny that.

Posts: 341

Where did I state military campaign = multiplayer game?
Putting words into my mouth jenssen, you always do that. Cause you have a severe lack of reading comprehension.

When he said Military campaign I thought he was thinking about singleplayer as in preplanned. Idiot.

Posts: 1317

Man, that was painful to read. The comments, I mean. Also, Xidio, you always "criticize" me for not staying with the argument at hand. You didn't do that here either. Like when you thought "military campaign" meant "multiplayer game" and Bob called you out on it. Instead of saying "oops my bad", you went on to try and sow doubt about whether he has or has not actually played the Battlefield games.


Posts: 341


Posts: 1548

Also that Metro level was in Paris :P

Posts: 3290

It's alright I guess. Looks like a fluorescent spider on crack, but whatever floats your boat. But...XiDiO, dafuq does the London Underground have to do with Battlefield?!?

Posts: 1548

Bob, by Metro XiDio meant the map not the game

Posts: 3290

No, never. I have a life

Posts: 341

Sure you never did, ever.

Posts: 3290

Never played Battlefield. Ever. But I love Metro!

I've never heard warfare classified as multiplayer before. Sarnt Major called it a bloody picnic though, if that counts