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Dragon Saves to Affect the Inquisition

By Mokman25-07-2013

How can this one piece of news be so predictable, yet still immensely exciting? Bioware producer Cameron Lee revealed during PAX Australia this week that Dragon Age: Inquisition will be affected by the saves in the previous games, where past decisions "will matter" in shaping the new world that we will be playing in.

As this is a hallmark of Bioware, it is thus entirely expected, and in fact one of the great reasons why despite certain shortcomings, they are considered the best RPG makers in the business. However, interestingly, the previous two games have featured separate heroes, unlike the Mass Effect series - this then opens up an puzzling thought: How will they form the stories of two games into a meaningful whole, rather than just tacking on cameos?

Well, only time will tell. Let us hope that it will not disappoint.

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Posts: 3290

How shocking.

Real question. Will these promised decisions that matter...ACTUALLY matter for once?

Also, didn't they say this isn't directly tied to the other two and is more of a self contained spin-off?

Also...BioWare really suck these days