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Dragon Age: Inquisition – The Hero of Thedas

By drcoolio34516-10-2014

On the list of the coolest, most amazing and badass creatures out there, Dragons have to be at least in the top three right? That's probably why the new Dragon Age: Inquisition Trailer has like four of them, and if dragons aren't enough for you, they've thrown in some demons and particle effects for all you hard-to-please types. It might just be another cinematic trailer, but this one, coupled with the three other trailers released this month alone, are really giving us an image of what's to come from the Inquisition. So, tell us what you're excited, or fearful of, in the comments below.

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Posts: 120

So far Dragon Age has followed the same trend as Mass effect; I loved the first one, and I'm struggling to like the second. I suspect the third will be damn near perfect. Also, I expect to be pleasantly surprised and engrossed by the multiplayer, which I previously denounced as a waste of time and resources.

Posts: 3290

More dragons is always good