Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC - Jaws of Hakkon
So by now we all know that Dragon Age: Inquisition was voted "Game of the Year" by practically everything that covers video games, which is why we should all be excited for Jaws of Hakkon, Dragon Age: Inquisition's first DLC.
Hunting after an 800 year old legendary dragon slayer won't be easy, but it's up to the inquisition to do it. Of course, that's not the only concern that you'll have. Avvar, dragons, and the re-surfacing of an old Avvar legend is planning to bring Orlais to its knees. And if you're not into any of this mystical stuff, hey, you get to kill, stab, and murder more while gaining levels right?
Apparently you're going to need those levels too since Jaws of Hakkon isn't an easy DLC pack with the recommended level to be at before starting it is level 20. Of course, those fancy glowing weapons are sure to help you along the way, but it seems like everyone and their mother has some ancient artefact in Dragon Age, so don't be surprised if you're enemies have something even better. Those of you who don't like a challenge might want to look at the DLC package first before buying it on a whim, just a warning to you.
Jaws of Hakkon is out right now on PC and Xbox One, and from what I've heard it's pretty good to dragon slayers and challenge seekers. Good luck Inquisitor!