Double Fine Want Distribution Rights
We've previously reported on the bankruptcy of THQ and its subsequent auctioning off of its IPs. We've also previously reported on Double Fine requesting money that was due to them for Stacking and Costume Quest. In the auction the rights for these games were bought by Nordic Faction, a company that scooped up quite a few of THQ's IPs. The head of Double Fine, Tim Schafer, was none too pleased about that though his reasons are surprising.
Shafer explains that it's not about the money because "It's not, like, a lot of money", as he told Polygon. He continued:
"It's mostly for us to just tidy up things. And also an emotional attachment – more of a mission of Double Fine to own everything that we make. It's, like, this loose end that kind of bothers me that we'd like to tie up."
There's no word on whether Double Fine have yet contacted Nordic Faction about the matter yet but Schafer did say that Double Fine would be at a disadvantage in whatever conversation they did have. It's frustrating when something's really valuable to you for emotional reasons, and not that valuable to anyone else. Because they can still say, 'Well, how much do you want it for?' and it's, like, 'Aw, you know this isn't valuable to you.' It's valuable to me, but not for business reasons, in a sense."
The rights held by Nordic Faction only allow the publisher to collect cash made on the games in question through various distribution channels. However Double Fine still actually own the IP of both games, meaning the company can still make sequels to the title if they want to.