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Do Sweet Burnouts in Criterion's Rivalry

By CameronW16-11-2013

It's amazing to me that the Need for Speed series has managed to remain relevant for almost 20 years now, drifting from developer to developer and usually bringing something new to the table each time. Most successfully in recent years under Burnout veterans Criterion Games. Criterion's previous entries into the Need For Speed series after ceasing development on their Burnout games was Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit back in 2010, and a couple years later with Need for Speed: Underground, both slightly confusing in the sense that they straight up use the same titles as earlier Need for Speed games.

Now it's 2013, things are different, Criterion is using a subtitle that wasn't used by an earlier Need for Speed game (funnily enough it was used by Burnout) and it goes by the name of Need for Speed: Rivals. Multiplayer cops n' robbers seems to be the flavour of the new game and it promises "A new and innovative AllDrive system which destroys the line between single and multiplayer gameplay." Hop in/Hop out multiplayer seems to be the flavour of the year.

Criterion's Need for Speed games seem to only be getting better as time goes on so I'm excited to see what Rivals will do for me. It's hitting a few days from now on November 19th for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Playstation 4, and on the 22nd for the PC and Xbox One when it launches.

Holy crap, the Playstation 4 is out!

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