Disney's Tiny Death Star
There are some things in life that make you go, "Why, just why?". I think that the trailer for Tiny Death Star is the epitome of such a scenario. Tiny Death Star, other than being ludicrously named, is the latest game from IOS and Android developer, Nimblebits. They seem to be sticking to the naming process that's been used in their previous games, Tiny Tower and Pocket Planes, as well as just sticking to the entirely same gameplay to boot. The name, Tiny Death Star, most likely means that it's going to stick to the exact same department store building mechanics that the "series" has always used.
Now, this isn't the first time that the Star Wars franchise has been sold out like this, I mean Attack of the Clones came out years ago. All kidding aside, the Star Wars Angry Birds game was more offensive than this. Possibly from the fact that Lucas Arts is now under the tight leash of Disney, that it's to be expected. Maybe after seeing the franchise splattered across everything from trading cards to toaster ovens, it's hard to get flustered over simple IOS re-skin. Which, is basically what Tiny Death Star is going to be. The trailer depicts Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine getting into the retail business, by adding various stores to the Death Star. This is exactly what Tiny Tower was, minus the addition of Jar Jar Binks to the mix...urgh.
Although the game looks silly, it's hard to get upset over it because it's a free to play game. Until the Ads spam you as you play until you eventually cave in and spend money to get rid of them. Actually, in that fashion it makes the game more evil.