Discover the Dragon Age with These Pretty Visuals
I know it might be hard to trust BioWare when it comes to Dragon Age after Dragon Age II's shortcomings with being rushed and everything, but can we go ahead and agree that Dragon Age: Inquisition looks pretty rad? After being announced on Twitter back in 2011 Dragon Age Inquisition has gone through a lot, even the cancellation of a Dragon Age II expansion pack to put all the effort into developing the game that would hopefully get people back into Dragon Age.
In a recent blog post, the developers have posted a video called Discover the Dragon age, that you can see above, which shows off a lot of pretty environments, cityscapes, lighting, water, and all sorts of visual stuff. Of course there's no telling if they game will actually look like this when it's released, games often look noticeably different when they're shown off and when they're running on your machine, but it's a taste at least.
Pretty graphics are cool and everything, but if you've missed the actual Dragon Age: Inquisition gameplay video you can check it out here.
"The world's population is based on an emergent system that adjusts what you'll encounter based on how your actions tip the balance in the area. You'll see towns attacked by bandits; deer fleeing from wolves, giant's feeding on bears, and countless other scenarios."
As usual you can follow the game on all sorts of social media crap like the BioWare Forums, Twitter, Facebook, and even Google+. Google+? What has the world come to?