DICE Says the Darndest Things

Oh DICE, you nut, I imagine your offices are war-torn smoldering craters where employees are constantly hurling abusive missives at each other before aiming a stapler at their heads and yelling "HEADSHOT!" In between your work hours someone occasionally gets kicked by PunkBuster security guards reminding them that work isn't the only reason for their existence and then that individual realizes that they need to say something worth sayin—and I've run out of witty observations to make.
DICE Executive Producer Patrick Back has been awfully mouthy lately, coming up with excuses to why Battlefield 4 feels so similar (to any who were fortunate enough to go hands-on with the game or the public beta) to its older cousin Battlefield 3 and of course throwing in his two cents on Valve's masterplan to take over every facet of your gaming life the SteamOS. Speaking to VG247:
"For us, it's about creating the best Battlefield game that we can ever create. Staying true to our core values; staying true to what we feel is best for the franchise. With Battlefield 3, we set quite a high bar and we know it's hard to beat that especially since BF3 was in development for such a long time. There were things we wanted to introduce to the game and to the franchise without disturbing the core of the game – you don't want people to feel alienated by crazy features and crazy changes."
"The biggest changes cannot be seen in trailers or screenshots, but when you pick up the controller."
Bach, this time speaking to GamesIndustry (boy this guy really gets around!), also recently commented on Steam's upcoming bid for the living room, Steam OS and of course the PC gaming landscape in general:
"If PC wants to be bigger then they need to look at the ease of use of their products and that's really hard, because PC is multi-layered. It's big, but it's still niche, the niche market for geeky things is still big - we're all nerds.
"A few years ago, everyone was saying [the PC] was dying and we were stupid to lead development with it, but at the same time Steam was rising. Now, PC gaming has never been stronger - partly because it's so much more than traditional PC gaming, which you could argue has moved onto console. PC gaming is more indie than ever, more experimental than ever. It's also more blockbustery than it ever was - there are some really big games on the PC. You can also see the hardware manufacturers really pushing the bar on PC when it comes to everything from CPU to memory."
Posted 23-10-2013, 00:51
Posted 23-10-2013, 00:05
Well, you might not be able to be Swedish without being obnoxious, but you CAN be obnoxious without being Swedish. And since this douche is both, he's double-obnoxious.
Posted 22-10-2013, 23:41
No need to repeat yourself
Posted 22-10-2013, 22:24
Patrick Bach is like the Pewdiepie of video game development. Obnoxious and Swedish.
Posted 22-10-2013, 16:55
The guy should be a politician
Posted 22-10-2013, 16:39
"PC is the lead platform"
"True Teamplay"
"E-Sports are our focus"
"Playing with your friends has never been this easy"
"To beat COD, you don't be COD"
"We won't tolerate cheating"
"...true sequel to BF2"
"We will never charge for our DLC"
"Extra goodies for the PC"
"All DLC and extra content will be released simultaneously for fairness between xbox, ps3 and PC"
"We will have modding support"
"Commander abilities passed down to Squad Leaders"
"Unrivaled Destruction will be featured in BF3"
"Better patch system"