DICE May Not Have 'Balls' for BF 2142 Sequel

Ex-Battlefield developer who worked on Battlefield 2142 and now Paradox employee, Gordon Van Dyke, has spoken up about the possibility of seeing a sequel to one of DICE's greatest creations, revamped in modern Frostbite Engine glory. He questions whether DICE would 'have the balls' for such a move.
"BF2142 successor on Frostbite Engine would be amazing, but does DICE got the balls to leave the safe haven of a modern war setting?" was his full tweet, he then added that he hoped DICE did indeed have enough balls to buck the trend and go back and revisit this time period. He went on to say that "When I worked on BF2142 we definitely didn't hit the game's full potential, and I think under the right leadership they could now", but he also doubted whether modern DICE staff could manage the task as they "have way too many new people to know where they'd go".
Van Dyke reckons that the EA/DICE relationship may hamper any wishes to create a 2142 sequel, due to the money that DICE are bringing in with Battlefield's current modern setting. Still, maybe DICE could prove Van Dyke wrong.
Posted 21-04-2013, 09:16
I just want more BF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 20-04-2013, 22:52
I try ^_^
Posted 20-04-2013, 20:48
That joke was so dry, I need to find me some water.
Posted 20-04-2013, 20:45
But they do have cubes...cubejones?
Posted 20-04-2013, 20:01
Dice don't have balls, period. EA borrowed them and never gave them back.
Posted 20-04-2013, 19:42
I've yet to play ARMA as well. They're both those "I'll get around to it one day" kinda' things for me. Guess I'm just not that big on military shooters
Posted 20-04-2013, 14:22
@bobfish BF3 was pretty good. Only Arma 3 go me unhooked :P
Posted 20-04-2013, 04:02
One day I might actually play a Battlefield game...