Deploy Your Dog Tags in Battlefield 4

In a blog today, EA's DICE confirmed that they would be continuing the dog tag tradition that was started in Battlefield 3. The hunt for Dog tags is still on in Battlefield 4. Some will be awarded for making progress in the games while others can be taken from enemies.
Something new though, EA is looking for fan made dog tag submissions. Battlefield fans can submit their own dog tag to Battlefield's Facebook. The Facebook page will highlight designs by fans that they think are pretty awesome. One lucky person may even have their dog tag in Battlefield 4, maybe. EA is really missing an opportunity here for basically dirt cheap publicity and one less dog tag to design in their game. But oh well, their loss.
Submitting your dog tag is fairly simple. Grab the blank template above and put anything you want on it (I'm betting they won't allow penises). Make sure to name your artwork (has to be 30 characters or less) and save it as a JPG or PNG file. After that upload it to the Battlefield Facebook page and tag your post with MyBF4Tag.