Delaying The Light
Dying Light is truly shaping up to become something awesome. From what initially seemed like little more than a slightly refurbished Dead Island the zombie slasher now looks more like it can stand on its own two legs. Check out the trailer, if you don't believe me. Holy grappling hook, Zombie Batman!
Of course, there is a catch. There is always a catch. What's the catch this time? Well, just like Techland's other big project in the works - Hellraid - Dying Light's release window seems to have been moved from sometime in 2014, to February 2015. At least it's not that far into the year. And besides, the early winter tends to be a rather quiet time on the gaming front. Dying Light will surely be a welcome timesink, provided they actually manage to get it out by February.
Posted 06-06-2014, 15:10
Why am I not surprised?
Posted 06-06-2014, 15:07
The issue is widespread among AMD users.
Posted 06-06-2014, 01:19
@Jenssen: My brother hasn't had any issues with Wolfenstein...maybe a hardware incompatability?
Posted 06-06-2014, 00:38
But the bugs are the best part!
Posted 05-06-2014, 22:17
Yeah I agree. Better a delay than a broken game. But it's not just EA. I can't even play Wolfenstein at more than 5-10 FPS even on Low settings. The game looks atrocious, the textures load extremely slow, and the framerate make the whole affair unplayable. GG Bethesda. Another broken game published by you.
Posted 05-06-2014, 16:39
Today's that day for delays it seems. It's happening with increasing frequency.
Good! Pay attention to this EA. You might learn something