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Deadpool is M.I.A

By Toast02-01-2014

Yeah, didn't you hear? Deadpool slipped up and suffered at the hands of his foes and is now currently M.I.A and assumed to be K.I.A. Well ok, not really, you know what happened? Deadpool the game is officially gone from the likes of Steam and other digital outlets. This is likely due to a licensing agreement coming to an end between Activision and Marvel, which given that this Facebook post is a very big pointer to suggest this.

The surprising thing about this is, Deadpool was a very recent game to be pulled, and Activision have acknowledged the removal of these titles on their respected platforms, but for no given reason other than speculation of licensing agreement being null and void at the beginning of this year. Although The Amazing Spider-Man has escaped this fate as of writing this, but could it soon by facing the axe off the digital shelf? Time only tells and if we hear anything else, we'll be certain to let you know. On a personal note, it isn't really great news at the start of the year, coinciding(sort of) with the unfortunate tale of Hello Games's flooding.

Comments (5)
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Posts: 3290

I've noticed most companies do piss poor jobs of Marvel games. It's always baffled me that they squander all the potential on samey, by the numbers beat'em ups

Posts: 1317

Well that's odd. The game took part in Steam's holiday sale. At least people aren't losing the game from their accounts, right?

Posts: 596

Still they could have done a lot more with the license instead of just producing a pile of dong with some candy tossed on top. With the Deadpool license you could easily make a game featuring quality adult humour and gameplay similar to Batman A/C/O

Posts: 3290

It sounds like they didn't want that before they even started making it. Which makes me wonder why they did. Maybe they were contractually obliged, and pushed to have it be crap so they'd never be asked to do it again?

Posts: 596

Activision probably just didn't want to waste any more money on the license after they released such a crappy game that didn't sell at all. So renewing the license from the viewpoint of Activision was something they did not want to do.