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DCUO Home Turf

By NeonAnderson24-01-2013

DC Universe Online has revealed yet another DLC pack that will be available for purchase soon. Having just surpassed the game's two-year anniversary, this F2P MMO has received plenty of small and large purchases for players to spend their cash on. The latest of which is the Home Turf DLC pack, which will be releasing along with the next patch.

Home Turf, once purchased, allows players to create their own personal home that can be customised and upgraded in a large variety of ways. Much like in Star Wars Galaxies, players can collect, purchase and unlock a variety of decorative items that can be used in each player's personal home. In addition to this, players can use a mainframe and a generator to unlock character upgrades and powerful combat aids, including NPC sidekicks that can be called to your aid and even orbital bombardments.

That's not all though, these homes will also be used as a new setting for a new type of PvP battle mechanic called "Lair Battles". Have an issue with one of your mates? Challenge him to a fight and trash up his home! His super rare, super amazing decorative item – well why not smash it on his head! The damage is only temporary of course, but still does not diminish the fun. The DLC pack also introduces new missions in familiar locations such as Arkham Asylum.

No price has been revealed yet, however two screenshots of the same Lair design, but with different decorations can be viewed below.

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