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DayZ Standalone Gets Engine Details Outlined

By Leigh Cobb08-11-2012

The upcoming DayZ standalone has been shrouded in mystery for quite some time, with only a few details available. Now however, the technical engine details of the game have been outlined.

DayZ creator, Rocket, has said that there are "maddeningly uninformed arguments about what does or does not constitute a “new engine” which he finds "very frustrating". In attempt to set things straight, he has outlined how DayZ will actually work in its standalone release.

"Simply put, the application will move into a traditional client-server relationship which the server makes most of the decisions. This is the common architecture behind virtually every MMO currently out there, and it will be DayZ’s architecture when it releases."

He continues on to describe the specific issues with the DayZ mod which he wants to address using the new server side architecture.

"Currently ArmA is running simulation calculations on all clients and on the server as well. Clients have the power to make changes to their world. When the world is as complex and changing as that which DayZ creates, it has created an environment where hacking and performance issues abound."

You can read more on the technical development of DayZ here.

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