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DayZ Standalone Evolves

By MrJenssen09-03-2013

Depending on when you last played DayZ, you'll notice in this 20-minute developer video blog/interview, that the stand-alone version is tugging along quite nicely - with improvements and advancements over the ARMA 2 mod.

One major difference from the mod, is that zombie spawning now no longer happens in an area around a player. The entire server spawns all the zombies on the server at once. Boss-man behind the project, Dean 'Rocket' Hall, says the 3000 zombies they spawn in do not affect performance in a significant way, and they are aiming to increase that number in the coming months.

You'll also notice that interior environments have gotten a serious facelift with much more detail, and the locations for spawned loot will apparently make much more sense now. If you enter an abandoned store, you'll find cans of food stacked in shelves instead of lying in bundles on the floor.

Other improvements shown include - highly improved animations, for both players and zombies and  better zombie pathfinding overall. There's much more stuff coming up in later updates, like the crafting. Check out the video above, and if you're looking for more information on the many improvements and additions, head over to the official DayZ blog.

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