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Danger Closure

By BloodyFanGirl15-06-2013

Earlier this year we reported that EA was taking Medal of Honour out of rotation and putting the franchise on an indefinite hiatus. Now it's been revealed that the developers behind some of the latest entries in the Medal of Honor franchise, Danger Close, will meet a similar fate.

Games executive at EA, Patrick Söderlund, confirmed in an interview with Eurogamer that Danger Close had been disbanded and that much of its staff had been reallocated to different departments within EA.

Söderlund explained, "Danger Close as it was doesn't exist anymore. There are people who left LA, people who work with DICE LA, and there are some who work in other parts of EA, as always when something gets dismantled."

The latest game in the franchise, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, received mediocre ratings with the PC version averaging a score of 55 on Metacritic. So perhaps it was time for Medal of Honour to take a break. That said it's always a sad day when a developer has to shut its doors. As always, what do you make of this news? Let us know in the comments below.

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Posts: 3290

Like I said. Closing studios is what EA does

Posts: 351

They gave it a shot but EA kinda made this an impossibility right from the start.

Posts: 596

Why am I not surprised - poor price point, overpriced DLC and a poor quality game with an effortlessly put together MP...

Posts: 3290

I was never all that interested in Medal of Honour. But I do hope they retract this decision. Not much hope of course. This is EA we're talking about. Closing studios is their speciality

Posts: 1317

An expansion priced at €40. That's the same as EA charge for their Sims expansions.

Posts: 1548

Riptide is a standalone expansion. The devs said it's not a sequel.

As for MoH I'd be happy if they made it a CoD clone, just a good one. Was pretty happy with MoH 2010 (the previous one).

Posts: 1317

Well, I don't know about Techland. Sure, Gunslinger was awesome. But Dead Island Riptide? It's a glorified expansion pack with the pricetag of a full game. I really hope you're right, though. Because if you're wrong, then it means that either Hellraid or Dying Light will be ass. And I don't want either of those to be ass. :/

Posts: 228

They don't "realise they're being idiots", they just shut down a franchise because it doesn't sell. Unlike Techland, who are able to learn from their mistakes.

Posts: 1317

I find it a bit odd. Danger Close were clearly making exactly the game EA wanted them to make. A scripted, linear corridor shooter with a forgettable story and ridiculously one-dimensional "characters". So what's wrong, EA? You force them to make you a game, exactly the way you want, and then when you realize that you're being idiots, and nobody actually like this concept you think is so great... then you close down the developer?

Sounds like a child throwning a tantrum. EA should close themselves down for this. THAT would be some good news.