
In an unexpected turn of events, EA has just moved back the release dates of Battlefield Hardline and Dragon Age: Inquisition.
BF Hardline was originally set for October 21st release date, but the new release date is set for early 2015. Developers say that the time will be spent on implementing new features in multiplayer and single player as well as polishing them and ensuring stability. It remains to be seen if the game actually works well at the release date.
DA: Inquisition delay is shorter – from October 10th to November 21st for EU release. There are fewer details about the reasons for delay. The main reason however is the same – more time to polish the game.
Posted 26-07-2014, 03:15
Probably delays in developing more content to cut out and repackage as DLCs. That's my bet anyway :P
Posted 24-07-2014, 20:22
Well I wont preorder them anyway. First the price is WAY too high the second - BF4 is much better but still not there yet, so I dont trust them.
Posted 24-07-2014, 10:25
Baby steps
Posted 24-07-2014, 09:33
I dont think EA has learned anything, the thing that has pushed this delay is that the pre order sales were WAY below the predictions of EA. And for them to deliver 2 unfinished games in one year would be devastating so they wont take any chances. If the pre order of Hardline would have been good they would have pushed it through and not given it a second thought. So i wouldnt credit EA much really...it`s a good thing that this has happened but i wouldnt get my hopes up for a "much" improved game when it finally releases
Posted 24-07-2014, 05:54
*Hardline's DELAY. Edit button please!!!
Posted 24-07-2014, 05:53
If you read the DICE-boss' open letter to the masses about Hardline's deadline, it's clear that they haven't learned shit. Just a bunch of PR bullshit.
Posted 23-07-2014, 16:15
Are they...are they actually...learning?