Crysis 3 – Hell of a Game
As we previously posted in our news, Crytek is making a video series showing off the variety they have created within the game world environments. The first episode the series has been released and has not yet seems to have received a lot of attention, with only 4622 views so far. Regardless of the view count, the gameplay shown is very interesting and well worth a watch for those interesting in Crysis 3. However, one thing I must say is that I did not see anything new compared to Crysis 2, except the improved graphics.
What do you think about it so far? Will you be pre-ordering Crysis 3, let us know in the comment section below.
Posted 15-12-2012, 16:54
In my mind I had this version of the trailer where at the end he takes out the bow and arrow and then they all blast him and he dies... lol
Posted 15-12-2012, 02:01
Nope, better aiming!
Posted 15-12-2012, 01:05
Maybe they lowered difficulty
Posted 14-12-2012, 22:19
Its better than the previous playthrough. At least the guy playing it doesn't suck so bad.
Posted 14-12-2012, 18:18
Is it just me or does it look like this has been played with a controller?