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Crying on the Front Lines

By Bobfish01-08-2014

Homefront has been bought up by Deep Silver too now. After a series of financial woes struck Crytek of recent, not only did they sell off the IP, but also the entire studio working on it, as well as downsizing Crytek US and transferring development of Hunt to their Frankfurt team . All in all, things are not so rosy for Crytek as you may have been lead to believe. So why, you ask, have we not paid more attention to this before now? Well, frankly, we're not all that interested in Crytek here at Pixel Judge. We won't, shall we say, be shedding any tears for them.

"In recent weeks, there have been repeated reports and rumors relating to financial problems at Crytek. Having already given an update to staff across all our studios, we are now in a position to share more details with members of the press and public.

Internally, we have acknowledged that the flow of information to employees has not been as good as it should have, however we hope you understand that communicating details of our plans publicly has not always been possible."

From a statement issued earlier this week encapsulates precisely why. With them now laying off some employees and out and out disbanding one studio, it's difficult to have any sympathy for them. The staff that were let go have our deepest condolences and I, for one, am relieved that the Homefront team were taken on wholesale by Deep Silver as part of the sale. Formerly Free Radical, based in Nottingham UK, which is only forty miles from where I live, they have now been reformed as Dambuster and will continue working on the new Homefront. Crytek, meanwhile, remain almost ignorantly optimistic, with Cervat Yerli recently stating:

"As we look to cement Crytek's future, this strategic deal with Koch Media would allow us to continue with our ambitious goals to become an online publisher. With Warface, Arena of Fate and HUNT, we believe we have the perfect portfolio and teams to make that happen. We would like to thank all our staff - past and present - in both Nottingham and Austin for their contributions to the company, and we wish all the very best to anyone who may no longer be under the Crytek banner moving forward."

What the future holds for Crytek is anyone's guess at this point. What the future holds for Homefront, now that is something I shall be keeping a close eye on. Deep Silver, it is increasingly apparent, are on their way to being one of the most influential development/publishing arms in the entire industry. Their star is most decidedly on the rise. And that is something to be excited about.

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