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Criterion Almost Made Something Called ‘NFS: Millionaire’

By breadbitten26-10-2013

The Need for Speed franchise is about expensive cars, really really REALLY expensive cars, so it sounds pretty natural when Criterion head-man Alex Ward says that before the studio was working on 'Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit' they'd been toying with a concept dubbed 'Need for Speed: Millionaire'.

"...we toyed with a concept called NFS Millionaire. After a lottery win, you bought all the Supercars for you and your friends."

"It was supposed to be Freeburn meets Top Gear challenges..."

"We struggled with it for a bit before binning it off and make Hot Pursuit instead."

Crazily enough, Ward further goes on about how he had an idea for a Medal of Honor game of all things! One in which players got to assume the role of Germans! And it was going to be somewhat open-world in structure!

"I once spent a month or so writing up a Medal of Honor game where you played as the Germans. For the first half. Invading England,"

"I was a HUGE MoH fan back in the day. Would have loved a crack at it. Would have gone open world a bit too. And been very British at core."

I don't know what to make of the "British at core" bit, but despite the current miasma shooters are in at the moment I'm guessing it was wise to ditch the idea for the time being.

Sound off.

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Posts: 124

Honor thy Speed...

Posts: 3290

Need for Honour?

Posts: 1548

Need for Speedogedon!

Posts: 166

Zombie, I hope for a Zombie. We can kill the zombies with the cars. An updated Carmageddon.

Posts: 1548

I;m still waiting for them to announce a Zombie or Alien edition of the game.