Creator of Mass Effect and KOTOR leaves BioWare after 16 years

After 16 years, Casey Hudson, the man who brought us Star Wars: The Old Republic and the Mass Effect trilogy, has moved on from BioWare. He didn't tell us his plans for the future, but he did leave messages for fans before he left BioWare this Friday evening:
"Long before I worked in games, I was fascinated by their ability to transport me to places where amazing and memorable experiences awaited. When I made my very first asset that I knew would actually make it into a game (the laser bolt in MDK2!) I couldn't believe how fortunate I was to contribute in some small way to the process of creating interactive entertainment.
Now, having led the development of four major titles, I'm profoundly appreciative of the role I've been able to play in creating these games. The very idea that so many of you have enjoyed spending time in the worlds we've created is the defining achievement of my career, and it's your support over the years that made it all possible.
Thank you.
I know that I leave our projects in great hands, and I join you in looking forward to playing them."
Of course, Hudson also had some words for his fellow colleagues at BioWare too:
"After what already feels like a lifetime of extraordinary experiences, I have decided to hit the reset button and move on from BioWare. I'll take a much needed break, get perspective on what I really want to do with the next phase of my life, and eventually, take on a new set of challenges.
Though there's never an easy time to make a change like this, I believe this is the best time for it. The foundation of our new IP in Edmonton is complete, and the team is ready to move forward into pre-production on a title that I think will redefine interactive entertainment. Development for the next Mass Effect game is well underway, with stunning assets and playable builds that prove the team is ready to deliver the best Mass Effect experience to date. And the Dragon Age: Inquisition team is putting the final touches on a truly ambitious title with some of the most beautiful visuals I've seen in a game.
But while I feel that the time has come, this is without a doubt the most difficult decision of my career. BioWare is as magical a place today as it was when I started. The projects we are working on are some of the most exciting and prestigious in the world. The talent in our teams is second to none. And the people here are some of my closest friends. I've spent more time with many of you than my own family, and I have enjoyed every day of it."
BioWare has said that although losing Hudson is a great loss for the company, they will continue to work on Dragon Age: Inquisition and their next Mass Effect game unabated as they take to heart all the lessons that Hudson left with them.